Reconnect is an interministry organization on campus composed of members from all of the other primary Rice student ministries. We promote ecumenical unity across denominational and ministry lines. Our mission is to create safe and open spaces on campus for Christians to gather as one body and connect with those from other ministries. We host monthly worship and prayer nights, organize early morning prayer for O-Week and Beer Bike, host the annual Interministry Worship Night, and facilitate other community events, panels, and discussions to build comradery among the broader Rice Christian community. Some of our main focuses for conversation are building unity, compassion, and understanding between these different groups, racial reconciliation within the church and the role of Christianity in campus culture, and interceding in prayer for our peers and university.

Want to get involved?

Join the GroupMe: Reconnect GroupMe
Fill out the interest form: Reconnect Interest Form

Check out our video intro here!